Operating Manual 🔌

The Governance Operating Manual seeks to provide the FWB community with comprehensive documentation on how FWB operates to date from a governance, treasury, and operational lens. Several of these components are under larger community discussion and review, but this document provides a shared baseline. You can view the governance manual HERE. If you feel like something is missing you can provide feedback in the #Governance-General channel.

Putting up a Proposal

  1. Community led proposals start as an idea and are workshopped in whatever the way the proposer(s) wants: alone, in the Discord, or with the proposal review committee.

  2. When the proposal is sufficiently coherent the proposer(s) will fill out the FWB Proposal Template.

  3. Contributors must make any conflict of interest (potential or possible) disclosures as necessary within the proposal.

  4. The proposal is shared with the Proposal Review Committee who will provide feedback and connect the proposer(s) with relevant FWB teams that may have feedback. The finance team is always included to review that the proposal’s budgetary impact has been accurately estimated.

  5. After this feedback is provided and the proposer(s) feel confident, then the proposal is posted to #live-proposals where everyone is notified and final feedback is provided in public. There is no set time it is up for, but we tend to have a best practice of at least 1 week.

  6. The proposer(s) adjusts their proposal as they want and the Proposal Review Committee will then post it to Snapshot for community vote and notify everyone.